
PERL Interview Questions for VLSI Jobs : Part 3

In this article, we explored key aspects of PERL programming. We compared PERL arrays with C-arrays, highlighting their differences, and discussed various array formats, including identifying invalid ones. We examined scalars and the special variable $# in arrays and delved into the structure and applications of two-dimensional arrays. We also addressed array exhaustion, exploring challenges and solutions for handling large arrays. The episode covered associative arrays (hashes), their unique properties, and answered common questions. Lastly, we demystified globbing, explaining its purpose and functionality in PERL programming.

1. State the Basic Difference between Array in C-Language and Array in PERL:

Arrays/List are variable length. 

Array/List can be declared without length.

This length can vary even after creation.

Array/List can contain any sorts of scalars (even a combination of strings, numeric, etc.) I.e it is heterogeneous.

2. Is the below is valid or invalid ?

my @array3 = (@array1, @array2); 

It merges the two array in RHS into a Single Array at LHS.

3. Pick Up The Invalid Array 

my @arr = (1, 2, 3);

my @arr = ("orange", 2.7)

my @arr = ($b, 21, $c);

my @arr = ()

my @arr = (1..5)

my @arr = (1..3, 7, 11..13)

my @arr = ($b .. $c)

my @arr = ("apple", "orange", "jackfruit", "grapes");

my @arr = qw(apple orange jackfruit grapes)

Run the following code snippet in your machine. See the video down below this article for explanation.

4. State the difference between  scalar(@array)  and  $#array 

scalar(@arr) ; #gives the array length

$#arr # gives the index of the last element of array

5. Please let us know if this invalid :



Both gives the element of @arr from the backside.

6. Is @arr[2,4] is a Two Dimensional Array ?

No this is called Array Slicing.

my $arr = qw(apple orange jackfruit grape mango);

@arr[2,4] # is not a two dimensional array, it is ($a[2], $a[4]);

my @subArray1 = @arr[2,4] # actually is ("jackfruit" "mango") ;

my @subArray2 = @arr[2..4] # actually is ("jackfruit" "grape" "mango");

7. How Can you Sort an Array Numerical Ascending or Descending order  ?

@sorted = sort { $a <=> $b } @unsorted; # sorts integer/real (ascending Order) 

@sorted = sort { $b <=> $a } @unsorted; # sorts integer/real (descending Order)

# N.B = Here $a & $b are PERL reserved Variable , no need to declare them

8. Tell Me What are the LHS values in each below case :

my ($first, $second) = @array;

my ($first, @rest) = @array;

my (@copy, $dummy) = @array;

Ans :

my ($first, $second) = @array;

$first and $second are assigned the first and second elements of @array,

my ($first, @rest) = @array;

$first is assigned the first element of @array, and @rest is assigned everything else.

my (@copy, $dummy) = @array;

In this case $dummy is not assigned.

Arrays are variable-length, so @copy has no reason to stop.

Hence  $dummy ends up with undef since @copy “eats up” the entire available array.

9. How you can access Key/Value Pair at once i.e. using a single command ?

while (($key,$value) = each(%hash)) {

   printKey = $key has Value = $value \n”;


10. How you can covert Array into Hash and vise versa ?

my @arr = %hash; # converts a hash into a array

my %newHash = @arr; # converts array back to a hash

Provided in each case the elements in the array are even number.

11. For an unknown Reference How you can check what is the corresponding data type ?

We have to use a perl inbuilt function called  “ref “ in the following way :

print "\n ref($scalarref)";

print "\n ref($arrayref)";

print "\n ref($hashref)";

print "\n ref($constref)";

12. How do you De-Reference a scalar/array/hash Reference Variable ?

my $dRef = $$scalarref;   #De-Reference a Scalar

my @arr = @$arrayref;  #De-Reference a Array

my %hash = %$hashRef;  #De-Reference a Hash

13. How Do you De-Reference an Anonymous Array Elements?

# Accessing A Value 
print "$ArrayRef->[0]";
print "$HashRef->{"KEY"}";
# Assigning A Value
$ArrayRef->[0] = "January";   # Array element
$HashRef->{"KEY"} = "VALUE";  # Hash element

14. Without using any LOOP how can you print a complete data-structure in the STDOUT ?

use Data::Dumper
print Dumper($refDataStructure);

15. What is Globbing ?

Definition: The expansion of filename argument patterns into a list of matching filenames.

my @files = </home/docs/*.c>; # grabs list of files ending in .c
my @files = glob("/home/docs/*.c"); # same thing using glob operator
while (my $file = <abc*.html>) { 
# output each .html file starting with abc
print "File: $file \n"; 
foreach my $file (<abc*.html>) { 
# output each .html file starting with abc
print "File: $file \n";

For detailed Explanation please watch the below video :

Courtesy : Image by www.pngegg.com