
File I/O in PERL

In this article, we cover essential topics in PERL related to file I/O, globbing, and logging. We start with the basics of file operations—read, write, and append modes—and introduce a shorthand for the open command for efficiency. Key highlights include reading files, testing files with if conditions, and advanced techniques for memory-efficient file reading, including loading files into arrays. We also explain writing to files, managing STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR streams, and creating log files for tracking script execution. Finally, we explore globbing, showcasing how to perform Unix-style file operations seamlessly in PERL.

In this Article we will learn the FILE IO in PERL in the sequence :

  • File Input/Output in PERL
  • Shorthand file open command
  • Reading from a File : Two Ways
  • Reading a file into an Array
  • Writing into a File
  • Dealing with STD I/O 
  • Overall Log Files for a PERL script
  • Glob-ing  & Unix Style File I/O in PERL

File Input/Output in PERL:

A FILEHANDLE is the name for an I / O connection between your Perl process and the I / O device.

Filehandles are ALL UPPERCASE to avoid possible collisions with present or future reserved words.

A file can be opened using  : open ( filehandle, mode, filename );

A file can be closed using   :  close function as : close ( filehandle );

Open returns nonzero on success, the undefined value otherwise. 

If the open involved a pipe, the return value happens to be the PID of the sub-process.

When opening fails, it's never a good idea to continue !

Hence we use perlfunction die to terminate the program if the file open fails.

File Handle Modes in PERL :

The Various MODE strings in "open( filehandle, mode, filename )" are tabulated below with their respective meaning :

Some Short-hands for Open Command in PERL :

Here are some pre-constructed open commands for you with their meanings in the RHS :

open(IN, "filename"); # read from existing file
open(IN, "<filename"); # (same thing, explicitly)
open(OUT, ">filename"); # create file and write to it
open(OUT, ">>filename"); # append to existing file
open(OUT, "| output-pipe-command"); # set up an output filter
open(IN, "input-pipe-command |"); # set up an input filter

Reading From a File in PERL : By Example :
Testing the File On Disk Before Opening It :

Here goes a basic prototype of file open code sequence in PERL :

# Reading from a filehandle is accomplished by placing the filehandle inside <angle brackets> (the “line input operator”, or, often called as the “angle operator”).
my $INPUT;
open(INPUT, "<", "input.txt") or die "Can't open input.txt: $!";
# Process every line in input.txt
While ( my $line = <INPUT> ) {
# ... process each $line here ...
close INPUT; # the file is closed

The above code is self-explanatory and request you to do experiments with this at your end.

Several File Test operators can be used along with IF Condition before you open a file in/from the disk. These test cards help you to make fail-safe operation in file operation min PERL . Here is the exhaustive list :

Reading From A File : Example 

Here is typical prototype of a file open routine in PERL :

# Reading from a filehandle is accomplished by placing the filehandle inside <angle brackets> (the “line input operator”, or, often called as the “angle operator”).
my $INPUT;
open(INPUT, "<", "input.txt") or die "Can't open input.txt: $!";
# Process every line in input.txt
While ( my $line = <INPUT> ) {
# ... process each $line here ...
close INPUT; # the file is closed

Reading a File Directly into An Array :
Writing into a File in Disk :
Opening STD I/O Through PERL File Handle :

We can directly open a file into an Array where each element of the Array is Each line of the file. Here is the short and sweet code for the same :

open ( INFILE, $fileName ); # not using any mode means Read Mode
my $line = <INFILE>; # get the first line
my @rest = <INFILE>; # get the rest of the file
close INFILE;

Here goes a short and sweet example of the write routine in PERL : 

my $OUT;
open(OUT, ">", "output.txt") or die "Can't open > output.txt: $!";
foreach my $i (1..100) {
print OUT "This line gets i = $i .\n";
close OUT;
view raw write-file.pl hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Standard handles: STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR  are opened by default :

print STDOUT "Enter a number: "; # ask for a number

my $number = <STDIN>; # input the number

print STDOUT "The number is $number\n"; # print the number

print STDERR "An error has occured !\n"; # print the error

EDA Automation : Creating Overall Log File for YOUR OWN PERL SCRIPT :

#It is necessary to create a overall LOG file of your script

#That can capture screen dump of messages

#That can capture screen dump of all the errors and warning.

use File::Tee qw(tee);

tee(STDOUT, '>', 'myPerlScript.log');

tee(STDERR, '>', 'myPerlScript.error.warn.log');

EDA Automation : Glob-ing in PERL :

Definition: The expansion of filename argument patterns into a list of matching filenames.

Here is the code snippet to perform glob-ing in PERL :

my @files = </home/docs/*.c>; # grabs list of files ending in .c
my @files = glob("/home/docs/*.c"); # same thing using glob operator
while (my $file = <abc*.html>) {
# output each .html file starting with abc
print "File: $file \n";
foreach my $file (<abc*.html>) {
# output each .html file starting with abc
print "File: $file \n";
view raw glob-ing.pl hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Unix Style File Operation in PERL :

Here are some PERL routines which can do file operations in UNIX/LINUX style which sitting inside the PERL code itself :

unlink("myfile.dat"); # removes myfile.dat

unlink <*.o>; # same as “rm *.o” in Unix.

rename("oldname", "newName"); # same as “mv oldname newName” in Unix. returns false if couldn’t rename

mkdir("datafiles", 0777) or warn "Cannot make datafiles directory: $!"; # create datafiles with world r/w/x permissions

rmdir("datafiles"); # deletes datafiles directory if it’s empty

chmod(0777, "myProg.pl"); # gives world r/w/x permissions to myProg.pl file

The Entire article is well narrated in the below video :

Courtesy : Image by Jae Rue from Pixabay