In this article we will cover the Object Oriented PERL through the below mentioned subtopics :
- Package & Module in PERL
- Package/Module Example
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Concept
- When to use OOP
- Object/Class/Blessing/Constructor/Destructor/Methods/Inheritance
- Coding Example : Class & Object Creation in PERL
- Coding Example : Inheritance Class & Object Creation in PERL
- Coding Example : Class & Object Creation in PERL using
Perl Package & Module :
- A namespace stores names of variables, subroutines, filehandles, and formats belonging to its scope.
- Each namespace has its own symbol table, which is basically a hash table.
- Perl Namespaces are called "packages".
- The default namespace for any PERL program is main.
- Package declaration tells the compiler which namespace to prefix to our variables.
- A module is a package defined in a file whose name is the same as the package.
- All Perl modules are contained in global @INC array, which contains a list of library directories/paths.
- A module/package can be included in your program with use or require functions of PERL.
A Perl Module :
- A module is just a set of related functions in a library file!
- Perl package with the same name as the file (
- File extension is .pm and NOT .pl
The module definition starts with :
package SomeModule;
use warning;
use strict;
# Code of this module goes here
# Subroutines
# end of this module is declared by
1; # don't forget to return a true value from the file
Usage of Custom Perl Module :
Keep the PM file in your current working directory
For any other directory , specify it in your .cshrc file & source it:
setenv PERL5LIB '/home/<userName>/PERL_Modules'
setenv PERLLIB '/home/<userName>/PERL_Modules'
Then use in your present as
use SomeModule;
require SomeModule;
require "";
Package/Module Example :
Here is how we create a PERL Module :
And here is the example how we use it :
Object Oriented Concept :
- Most object systems share a number of common concepts.
- Understanding the concepts will make it much easier to read and write object-oriented code.
- Perl's OO system is class-based. Class-based OO is fairly common.
- It's used by Java, C++, C#, Python, Ruby, and many other languages.
When to Use OOP ?
- The system being designed is large, or is likely to become large over time.
- The data can be put into obvious structures.
- There is prominent of inheritance and polymorphism.
- There is a piece of data on which many different operations are applied.
- You may need to perform the same general operations on related types of data, but with slight variations depending on the specific type of data the operations are applied to.
- Chances are there that you may add new data types later.
- The implementation of individual components of the system is likely to change over time.
- The system design is already object-oriented.
- Large numbers of other programmers from multi site will be using your code modules.
Objects :
- An object is a data structure that bundles together data and subroutines which operate on that data.
- An object's data is called attributes, and its subroutines are called methods.
- An object can be thought of as a noun (a person, a web service, a computer).
- An object represents a single discrete thing.
- For example, an object might represent a file.
- The attributes for a file object might include its path, content, and last modification time.
Class :
- A class defines the behavior of a category of objects.
- A class is a name for a category and a class also defines the behavior of objects in that category.
- A specific object is often referred to as an instance of a class.
In Perl, any package can be a class.
The difference between a package which is a class and one which isn't is based on how the package is used. Here's our "class declaration" for the File package:
Blessing :
Most Perl objects are hashes, but an object can be an instance of any Perl data type (scalar, array, etc.). Turning a plain data structure into an object is done by blessing that data structure using Perl's bless function.
We sometimes say that an object has been "blessed into a class".
Constructor :
A constructor creates a new object belonging to a class. In Perl, a class's constructor is just another method, unlike some other languages, which provide syntax for constructors. Most Perl classes use new as the name for their constructor:
my $file = File→new(...);
Methods :
Method is a subroutine that operates on an object.
In Perl, methods are simply subroutines that is defined inside a class's package.
Methods are always written to receive the object as their first argument.
Attributes :
Each class can define its attributes. When we instantiate an object, we assign values to those attributes. For example, every File object has a path. Attributes are sometimes called properties.
Inheritance :
Inheritance lets you create a specialized version of an existing class. Inheritance lets the new class reuse the methods and attributes of another class.
For example, we could create an File::MP3 class which inherits from File. An File::MP3 is-a more specific type of File. All mp3 files are files, but not all files are mp3 files.
We often refer to inheritance relationships as parent-child or super-class/subclass relationships. Sometimes we say that the child has an is-a relationship with its parent class.
File is a super-class of File::MP3, and File::MP3 is a subclass of File.
package File::MP3;
use parent 'File';
Overriding :
- Overriding methods and method resolution
- Inheritance allows two class to share code. By default, every method in the parent class is also available in the child.
- The child can explicitly override a parent's method to provide its own implementation.
Object Oriented PERL by Example :
So far we have walked through the theories , now we will do the object oriented programming using PERL .
In the below example we create the class "Student" . The "new" is the constructor and "DESTROY" is the destructor of the class.
We have three methods : setName , setSurname and setRoll to assign Name, Surname and Roll-No to each student.
The method "display" is to printout the rerecords of a student .
Here goes the code :
In the below code we create two student objects from the above class :
Once we execute the code we get the below output :
Inheritance Example :
Now we create the objects of this class in the below example :
Once we execute the code we get the below output :
Creating Class Using Moose Package :
Once we execute the codes we get the below output :
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Courtesy : Image by Jae Rue from Pixabay