Gujarat has become the first State to launch a dedicated policy for semiconductors and display manufacturing. The policy aims to generate about two lakh jobs in the next five years. To support this goal, the Gujarat government will be setting up a ‘Semicon city’ over 5000-10,000 acres at the Dholera Special Investment Region (SIR), which will serve as a dedicated manufacturing base for the semiconductor and display fab sector. Gujarat is among India’s most industrialized states and boasts of robust infrastructure and logistics connectivity, industrial estates and specialized industrial zones, leading educational institutions, and a strong talent base. The Gujarat Semiconductor Policy 2022-27 will facilitate eligible projects during the land allotment stage, expedite approvals processes, improve access to utilities like power, water, and gas besides industrial infrastructure, and offer a support package of fiscal incentives.
Read the details of the policy
Courtesy : Image by Miguel-á-Padriñán , Pixabay from