
Troubleshoot EDA Tool Error


In today’s episode we will discuss the generic methods to troubleshoot the Tool errors. EDA tool is the most important  and integral part of the VLSI flow. Each and every VLSI engineer works around some EDA tool and obviously they face tool errors. Mostly tools are invoked with Command Line Interface (CLI) or Graphical User Interface (GUI) and a wrapper script is there around it. When an engineer is assigned with any EDA  tool , first few things he/she gets are the CLI/GUI option, few example of input files and tool manual. Mostly the issues will start to come once you step out of the known example and try to run files from the ongoing projects which are yet to be released. 

The basic of trouble shooting is to follow method of elimination. There are few generic types of error and we will discuss them one by one. So basically we are giving you a generic checklist to start troubleshooting.

1. First check whether you have used proper command line instruction. Check all the switch value pair.

2. Check whether you have mentioned proper linux path.

3. Check whether you have properly done the tool setup before using CLI/GUI.

4. Sometimes switch-value pair changes with tool version and if that is not supported by the wrapper script then definitely there will be issue. If you know the team who is assigned with the wrapper/script  talk to them. A simple print command can reveal the exact value that is going to the tool. Some time extra white space can create issues. It only happens if the script has no provision to trim off extra white-space and input only the absolute switch value. Sometime internal script issue is resolved through Bugzilla/JiRA/STAR Ticket Filing  with associated team. Do not hesitate to raise the ticket, as by doing so u are actually helping  to make flow bug free and in turn it will improve turn around time for tape-out. If the up gradation of the script solves the issue then great! If  not lets look into another possible reason.

Sometimes many team maintains  Knowledge Base / FAQ-Archive. Talk to your lead/manager or colleagues. They can guide you.

6. If the tool is not completing the run and get stopped try to read the run time information. If the words are moving very fast try to redirect it to some file and read. Some times a warning comes before the error. Try to understand what step have been covered and which are not completed. You might get a clue there.

7. Some times run completes with warnings and errors. If any error report is generated then read it. With some warnings or errors your lead is super COOL,  that means these are known warnings/error. This is the best case scenario.

8. If the errors are not related to script, CLI/GUI,  other parameters then might be the errors are caused by design/circuit issues. In case you are a designer then look into the design deeply for the root cause. Otherwise talk to the design team or raise a ticket as per standard procedure of your company.

9. Sometime it may happen a wrapper or automation is invoking one or more parallel or sequential launch of sub-tools through load sharing facility (LSF) or Univa Grid Engine (UGE ).Each UGE or LSF launch requires several parameters to be given to fetch the right kind of machine with right amount of CPU cores, right amount of GBs of RAM, RED HAT/SUSE Linux, GUI/CLI requirement and log file options. These specification need to be rechecked in case you are facing any error. These will root-out any LSF/UGE related mistakes.

10. It my happen that the launched tool has got a UGE/LSF slot but it got kicked out because of the scarcity of required number of tool license available through license demon manager. This had to be resolved internally by BUGZILLA/JiRA/STAR tickets.

11. There might be a subtle  reason of any tool failure that  u r not the part of a specific UNIX work grp and hence u r kicked out at the LINUX kernel level.

12. Even after checking all the internal issues if you are not able to figure out what is happening you need to talk to EDA vendor or the tool company, Cadence, Synopsys, Mentor all the leading companies have strong teams of application engineers. Try to know if any field application engineer of the company come to your premise or not. If they visit then contact them. If not just raise a ticket.

13. Sometimes issues arise because of both internal and external reasons. EDA tools are basically software and they need up gradation in codes also.


VLSI is a team effort. Be it engineers from your team or your company or from the other company , everyone is trying to  contribute to a hassle free and successful tape out. So do your part and enjoy the process.

The Video Lecture On This Article Can be Seen Here :

Courtesy : www.pngegg.com, www.pngaaa.com