Dec 29, 2022

Ansys To Train Indian Engineers

Ansys is among the global IP/EDA providers which have invested in India. Ansys operates in Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Karnataka,West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra. Ansys plans to contribute in skilled workforce development in India's electronics, semiconductors, aerospace, and defense sectors.

In a recent press release India's Ministry of Electronics & IT said that India will launch future labs to channel R&D capital for semiconductor and deep tech development. The labs will embed with C-DAC (Center for Development of Advanced Computing) and will encourage industry and academia collaborations. Also according to the press release, IEEE-Ansys Center for Skill Development in RF and Microwave, is focused on the adaption of the most advanced trends in RF and microwave, and Ansys Innovation Space Portal were inaugurated at Reva University in Bengaluru. 

India is trying to build an semiconductor eco-system of IC and display manufacturing, ATMP/OSAT, and IP/IC design business. GOI has launched a Design Linked Incentive scheme to offer financial incentives and design infrastructure support for ICs, chipsets, SoCs, etc.

With active participation of corporate, Govt and academia India can make it big in globally. 

Courtesy : Photo by Alexandre Debiève on Unsplash