Dec 2, 2022

What are IP and IP Core in VLSI

In this episode we will discuss about IP and their classification.  

1. What is IP ? 

IP is the abbreviation of Intellectual Property, also known as Semiconductor Intellectual Property (SIP). In VLSI Design IP is basically a pre-characterized building block of any of the Digital-Design or Analog-Design or Analog-Mixed-Signal Design, similar like lego block we used to play with in childhood. A vlsi designer picks the small blocks or IPs and  judiciously  arrange them to built a bigger design 

                             Fig 1. Small IP block to SOC

with higher degree of complexity intended to do a specific work.An IP is always re-usable general purpose design block which can be made specialized upon request. Verification IP a.k.a. VIP is non-design-test-vector IP which can directly plugged into a Test-bench Environment in Front-End Verification of Digital Design. Based on its packaging, functionality and size an IP could be called IP-Core or IP-Block. IPs can be distributed as two major formats : Soft-IP and Hard-IP based on the its design stage or state.To avoid design complexity previously designed blocks like bus controller, CPUs, and memory subsystems are integrated as IP ASIC or SOC design.

2. Why Concept of IP was Introduced ?

Following the Moore's Law Gate density i.e MOS density in a Chip has increased. The chip we use now-a-days consists huge number of blocks as they are designed for more and more complex functionality. Each block can have millions of gates depending on what purpose they serve. High-tech electronics market is extremely fast paced. Building each block & its sub block for a major design every-time would increase the design to tape-out duration and sub-blocks are more prone to faults. Large manpower will be needed and huge amount of coherence will be needed in cross-team operation till tape-out. Hence the time to Market will increase and  business cannot thrive in cut-throat competition worldwide semiconductor market. This creates the design productivity gap. To close bridge this gap, design re-use methodology was brought into picture.Thus IP-Vendors will dedicate their time to produce various kind of IPs while by using or reusing them ASIC/SOC designers can produce their chips faster.Hence Time to Market is slashed down !

3. Where do VLSI IPs used? 

Today almost all devices we use, be it a general purpose consumer electronics product like  smart phone or a specialist health care device which require special training to operate have chip inside. VLSI IPs could find usage in different sectors like :

                      Fig 2. END Usage of VLSI IPs

i. IT / Telecom : Routers, switches, hubs all these devices are required to connect to internet . All high speed internet connectivity like 4G/5G require compatible devices. All devices need chip inside. 

ii. Healthcare Devices : Smart and wearable healthcare devices are very common now-a-days. Such devices monitor health parameter like blood sugar, calorie intake, calorie burnt out  etc. They are able to connect to smart phone and also send the data to it. All such devices need smart chip inside.

iii. Consumer Electronics : These are generalized devices like smart phone, mp3 player etc. Any one without any specialized knowledge can handle sucg devices.  

iv. Automotive Applications: This sector is gaining importance day by day. Unmanned vehicles, self driven car, drone all these things come under this segment. Most of the latest car models have  a touchscreen enabled infotainment system as well as air conditioning systems. Chips also are a part of a vehicle's safety requirements as elements such as airbags, seat belt tensioners, ABS and stabilization systems, and even the e-Call 'rescue' system work with the help of chips.

4. What are the different types of IPs ? 

We can classify IPs depending on Genre, Size, Distribution, Circuit Nature or Form. 

                       Fig 3. Classification of VLSI IPs

IP Classification by Genre : 

This classification is basically done by  type of functioning of the IPs. 

IP Classification by size :

Depending on size of the IP or number of gates in the IP we can classify IPs in Small or Big Blocks. 

IP Classification by Distribution :

This type of classification or naming convention comes from IP vendors. Here we have mentioned what all types of IP comes  under foundation IP package or Standard based IP package or Application Specific IP package. 

IP Classification by Circuit Nature:

Various IPs Needed in VLSI. As per design need IPs are classified as Digital, Analog or Analog Mixed Signal IPs.

i. Digital ,  ii. Analog, iii. Analog Mixed Signal 

IP Classification by Forms: 

Semiconductor IP is a Critical Part of Legendary big chips available today !  Nobody has time to build every block they want from scratch. Hence IPs are Short Time To Market (pre-designed). Hence IP Industry Exists Within VLSI Industry. IPs provide Faster Performance due to optimized algorithms and implementation. A block of IP which is designed in vendors house could be used across applications because of design reuse concept. Every time the application and thus end user is different. 

Video lecture on this topic is here: 

Courtesy : Image by Sinisa Maric from Pixabay and Ruka Pap from pexels