This article covers a broad range of topics related to clock tree synthesis (CTS) in VLSI design flow. The discussion begins with an introduction to CTS and its significance in VLSI design, followed by an overview of pre- and post-CTS diagrams. The various levels involved in the CTS process and the CTS methodology are also explained, along with the role of CTS in EDA tools.
CTS in VLSI Design Flow:
Now lets see exactly where in the VLSI flow CLOCK Tree Synthesis is done. First take a look at the VLSI Design Flow.
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From above flow we can understand that CTS is done in between Placement and Routing. Clock Tree Synthesis : Clock spine routing scheme with all clock pins driven directly from the clock driver. FPGAs often use this fish bone type of clock distribution scheme. A clock spine for a gate array. A clock spine for a cell-based ASIC. Typical chips have thousands of clock nets. A clock spine is usually driven from one or more clock-driver cells. Delay in the driver cell is a function of the number of stages and the ratio of output to input capacitance for each stage (taper). Clock latency and clock skew. An Engineer tends to minimize both latency and skew. Pre & Post CTS : There is a clock root and without CTS clock signal goes to each end leaf cells or FlipFlops directly from clock root. After CTS there are number of buffers inserted so that proper power management could be done. Various Levels During CTS: CTS Methodology: In order to reduce iterations & TAT , clock tree designs methodologies are developed by engineers. This can consist of sub steps : design of the tree structure, layouting the clock tree and synchronization of multiple trees of the same clock source. In details the steps can be : 1. Generate Netlist with Specific Number of Receivers in Clock Tree. 2. Design the tree structure from bottom up process. 3. Use the layout tool features to form the clock tree. 4. Through analysis of delay and skews for all clock nets. 5. Iterate with correction until target is achieved. CTS In EDA Tool: EDA toold are used for CTS. Clock Specification File is used. Spec generation option is also available there. Above diagram shows EDA tool GUI. Watch the video lecture here: Courtesy: Image by |