Jul 5, 2024

How To Get Started In VLSI as a beginner ?

Getting started in VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) can be an exciting and challenging journey. Here are some steps you can take to get started:

1. Acquire basic knowledge: Start by learning the basic concepts of digital electronics and computer architecture. It will be helpful to have a strong foundation in electronics, digital systems, and integrated circuits. You can take courses in electrical engineering or computer science or read books on these topics.

Get the VLSI fundamentals : Click Here 

2. Learn a HDL & Linux-Basics : Learn one of the hardware description languages (HDLs), such as Verilog or VHDL, that are used to describe digital systems. HDLs are used to design and simulate digital circuits and are essential in VLSI design.

You can start with Verilog : Click Here 

Learn Linux basics : Click Here 

3. Learn programming languages: Familiarize yourself with programming languages such as C,TCL PERL, BASH, and Python. These languages are commonly used in VLSI design and simulation.

Some of the Self-Learning(Free) Turtorials for you

TCL : Click Here

PERL : Click Here

BASH : Click Here

Python : Click Here

4. Practice with design tools: Familiarize yourself with the design tools used in VLSI, such as Cadence, Synopsys, or Mentor Graphics. You can use these tools to create and simulate digital circuits. These are commercial tools and available in companies or learning version available in registered VLSI training institute. If you need to learn such tool join some certification course.

There are many free or open-source tools available : 

1. Vivado (Installation: Click Here ), 

2. Electric VLSI Design System, 

3. Icarus-Verilog (Installation : Click Here ), 

4. Magic, 

5. NGSPICE (Installation : Click Here

6.  OpenTimer (Installtion : Click Here ).

4. Join a VLSI design course: Consider enrolling in a VLSI design course, either online or at a university. This will give you hands-on experience in designing, simulating, and testing digital circuits.

5. Join a community: Join a VLSI design community or forum, where you can interact with professionals in the field and get tips and advice on designing digital circuits.

Join this community (Telegram Group) : https://t.me/vlsichaps

6. Read research papers: Read research papers on VLSI design to keep up-to-date with the latest developments and techniques.

Watch this for furthur guidance :  https://youtu.be/SIcpse82gsw

7. Practice, practice, practice: Finally, practice designing digital circuits on your own, starting with simple circuits and working your way up to more complex systems. The more you practice, the better you will become.

Overall, getting started in VLSI design requires a strong foundation in digital electronics and computer architecture, knowledge of HDLs, familiarity with design tools, practical experience through courses and design projects, and a commitment to continuous learning and practice.

Courtesy : Image by www.pexels.com