Aug 14, 2024

What is meant by delay insertion in VLSI Physical design (PD) ?


In VLSI physical design, insertion delay refers to the time delay caused by the interconnect wires and parasitic capacitance when a signal is transmitted from one logic gate to another in a digital circuit. The parasitic capacitance and resistance of the wires, as well as the capacitance of the gate inputs, can slow down the propagation of signals through the circuit. Insertion delay is an important consideration in circuit timing analysis and optimization, as it can affect the overall performance of the circuit. Physical design engineers work to minimize insertion delay by optimizing the routing of wires and using techniques like buffering and sizing to balance delay across different parts of the circuit.

For furthur guidance please watch the below videos: 

Pre and Post Layout Delay in VLSI : HERE 

SDF File (for delay specification) : HERE

SDF Back-Annotation using Verilog : HERE


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