Showing posts with label VLSI General Knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VLSI General Knowledge. Show all posts

Jun 12, 2023

Job Change in VLSI

If you are a VLSI  professional and planning to make your first job switch this article will help you. 

You have joined the industry, working for a while. Now one of your colleagues or someone in your friend circle has changed job with amazing salary hike. He is happy and sharing about his journey. Now you started to think whether you should make a move. Lets discuss about it. Job change is not a mandatory thing. Every person and his/her situation is different from the other so there is no simple and straight answer to this question.

Reasons behind Job Change : 

Now let’s see, what are the most common reasons behind job change. First job change is not exception. All these reasons are valid for first job change also. Most popular reasons are :

1. Not satisfied with present company :

You don’t like your present company. You expected a better management, a little bit more activities in company. Its has an all work and no fun attitude, many of your collegues like it, whereas you expect more events. Even the situation could be reverse, you are a reserve person and the office conduct a lot of activities. You do’t like this environment.

Whatever may be the reason you want a change.

2. Looking for a better pay package :

You love almost everything about your present job. Amazing ambience, Friendly boss and collegues, very less office politics, amazing work life balance although salary hike is not good. For last three Financial year even after apriasal it seems your salary stuck at the same range. You want a better pay. 

3. You are not enjoying the job role :

You don’t enjoy the work or project you are in. You’ve just grown out of your current role or your skills don’t match up to your personal interests. You often feel stressed and tired  because of the situation. You tried to find a different job role in your company and no positive results came. You are looking for a better job role where your potential are utilised  and lead you to more opportunities in future. 

4. When you have personal reasons :

 There might be many personal reasons. Any reason which is beyond your control and at the same time is hampering your life. It might be office politics, might be work life balance, work culture or anything. 

5. When you want to pursue other goals:

 You have some other goals in life and your present job is hindering it.

6. Company is facing  down time :

Many times a company faces business downtime, which means financial crunch. In such a situation initially any company will try to manage the crunch and restore the equilibrium. Although after certain period they are compelled to layoff some off their employees. If you see your company is coming hard on expenses and many of your Mid to Senior level managers are leaving the company there is a sign that some financial trouble is there.  You might start to look for a new job. 

7. You feel undervalued :

 You feel undervalued in your present company. This might be general culture of the company , none of the employees feel valued so they are not that motivated to do the work. Another scenario is you are  facing politics and they just don’t want to give you credit. This is basically psychological push back. One part in  you want to protest  another part in you is completely frustrated and sad. Gradually you lost belief on your company. In my opinion its better to leave toxic people and toxic ambience behind. If you believe that you can do somthing better that petty office politics then go for it. 

Stages of Preparation : 

If you have any or many of the above reasons you might plan to change the job. When you look for job change you must assess your situation with utmost sincerity. Once you have decided to change start preparations, i.e 

1. Prepare your CV/ Resume

2. Start  technical preparation

3. Take HR preparation 

1. Prepare your CV/ Resume:

This is your first job change and most important part of your CV/ resume is your work experience. Whatever you have done in these few years list it properly and mention it in the CV. Use generic terms so that everyone understand. Don’t mention any term that indicate anything confidential, Remember you have signed Non disclosure agreement with your present employer.

Also take good care in writing the CV, its creates good impression. Since you are a salaried person if needed take professional help. 

2. Start  technical preparation :

You are one job old now. So the first question you will face regarding your job role. They will ask you many questions to understand how much you have understood your job role. If your understanding is clear its obvious that you are a person with technical capabilities and logical reasoning and obviously you can learn new things. So probability of getting hired is high.

During interview multiple technical person may ask you same question, its because all of them want to judge your capabilities from different angle and when the panel meet post interview thay can get 360 degree idea about your job role and your performance to rate you. 

3. Take HR preparation :

Be well prepared for HR interview. Since you are experienced first question you will face is “Why do you want to change the job?”. Prepare the answer. Never be too personal. Even if you faced harsh politics don’t utter a single word about it. Limit your answer in better work oppurtunity or what you see great in the job role. We have listed some common HR questions, such as : 

1. Tell me about yourself.

2. Why are you interested in this position?

3. Why are you leaving your current job?

4. Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses.

5. Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

6. What do you know about our company?

7. Why should we hire you?

8. What questions do you have for me?

These are most cliche questions, but trust me in every interview we have faced almost all these questions. Even you will face them. Actually they want to judge you as an employee as HR team is responsile for managing ppl and keeping an equillibrium in the office ambience.  

Start looking for job when you are absolutely sure that this job change is necessary as too much job hopping is not good for one’s career. You need to spend few years in a company/job role to build up a solid work history. Otherwise its hard to demonstrate your abilities and value to potential employers. Job hopping can also lead to gaps in your employment history, which can be viewed negatively by employers.

As a thumb rule, start looking for a new job before you desperately need to. You will need to work hard for 3-6 months to find a better role.  

Hope this article will help you. All the best from us in advance. If you have any question in your mind feel free to post in comment section. We will be happy to help you with best of our abilities. 

Find the video lecture on this topic here :

Courtesy : Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Memory Compiler in VLSI

Have you heard the term MEMORY COMPILER? Do you understand what it is, how it works and why its important. In this article we will try to find answer of  these  how, what and why?  

Let's find answers to some questions and once we find answers to them we will get clarity about Memory Compilers.

1. First what is semiconductor memory?

Semiconductor memory is a semiconductor device used for digital data storage. 

2. What are the different types of Memory we design and fabricate in VLSI?

There are several types of semiconductor memories, each with its own characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages. The most common types of semiconductor memories are:

i. SRAM: SRAM is a type of memory that uses flip-flops to store data. It is fast, has low power consumption, and is volatile SRAM is commonly used in cache memory, register files, and other high-speed applications.

ii. DRAM: DRAM is a type of memory that uses capacitors to store data. It is slower than SRAM but has higher density and lower cost. DRAM requires constant refreshing to maintain the data, and it is also volatile.

iii. Flash Memory: Flash memory is a non-volatile memory that can retain data even when the power is turned off. It uses floating-gate transistors to store data and can be erased and reprogrammed multiple times. Flash memory is commonly used in portable devices such as smartphones, USB drives, and digital cameras.

iv. EEPROM: EEPROM is a non-volatile memory that can be programmed and erased electrically. It is slower than flash memory but has higher endurance and can be programmed at the byte level. EEPROM is commonly used in small embedded systems.

v. FRAM: FRAM is a type of memory that uses ferroelectric materials to store data. It is fast, low power, and non-volatile.

vi. MRAM: MRAM or Magnetic Random Access Memory is a type of memory that uses magnetic fields to store data. It is fast, low power, and non-volatile.

vii. PCM : Phase-Change Memory or  PCM is a type of memory that uses phase-change materials to store data. It is fast, low power, and non-volatile. 

Overall, each type of semiconductor memory has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of memory technology depends on the specific requirements of the application.

3. What are the embedded and external memories?

Embedded memory devices are  integrated on to the chip with the logic core, while external memory devices resides outside the chip. We all understand this as we all buy external memory for mobiles, external storage for storing movies and all right?

4. What is memory compiler ?

Memory compilers are  basically software tools and intellectual property of memory vendors. They automatically generates various kinds of memories depending on the customer requirement. Compilers support the generation of various memory capacities. 

Memory compilers use a set of pre-designed memory cell layouts, which are then combined and customized to create different types of memory circuits, such as SRAMs, DRAMs, ROMs, and flash memories. The customization process includes selecting the appropriate memory cell size, configuring the memory architecture, and optimizing the circuit for power, speed, and area. Memory compilers are widely used by chip designers because they can significantly reduce the time and cost of developing memory circuits, as well as improve their quality and reliability.

In practical situation, there is always a gap between the customers requirements and vendors portfolio and that part is addressed by a team of designers, application enginerrs, account managers and so on. An excellent team work with extra engineering effort can result into an optimized memory solution delivered to the customer. 

In order to reduce this engineering overhead and quality enhancement a more flexible memory compiler was in much demand and accordingly the generations of more evolved and developed compilers have been introduced into the market. 

5. What are core components of Memory Compiler:

Each memory compiler is a set of various, parameterized generators. These are basically core component of memory compilers and and each of them has very specific work to do. The components of a memory compilers are:

i. Memory Generator that generates memory cells with different sizes, operating conditions, and performance specifications.

ii. Design rules checker that checks the design against the foundry's design rules and design guidelines. This component ensures that the design meets the manufacturing requirements, such as metal pitch, minimum feature size, and via placement.

iii. Layout Generator generates the layout of the memory cells, considering the given set of design rules and constraints. This component also generates the necessary routing, such as power, ground, and signal lines.

iv. Schematic Generator & Netlister extracts a netlist which can be used for both LVS check and functional verification.

v. Function & Timing Model Generators responsible for gate level simulation, dynamic/static timing analysis and synthesis

vi. Characterization Engine characterises the generated memory cells using various simulation and modelling techniques. This component provides performance parameters, such as timing, power, and noise margins, to be used in the overall memory design.

vii. The memory compiler interface provides a user-friendly interface to input the design requirements and constraints, such as memory size, power, and performance requirements. It also provides feedback on the design status and any design rule violations.

viii. Memory BIST and Memory Verification Software test and verify  the generated memory cells. 

ix. Critical Path Generator are used for both circuit design and AC timing characterisation.

Overall, a memory compiler provides a high-level of automation to the memory design process, significantly reducing the design time, cost, and complexity.

6. How a memory compiler works ? 

A memory compiler works by automating the process of designing and manufacturing memory circuits. Here is a general overview of how a memory compiler works:

i. Design specification: The chip designer provides the design specification, which includes the memory type, capacity, speed, power, and area requirements.

ii. Memory Cell Library: The memory compiler uses a pre-designed memory cell library, which contains a set of pre-characterized memory cells with different sizes, layouts, and operating characteristics.

iii. Memory architecture: The memory compiler selects and configures the appropriate memory architecture, which includes the number of memory banks, wordlines, bitlines, sense amplifiers, decoders, and other control circuits.

iv. Circuit layout: The memory compiler generates the circuit layout by placing and connecting the memory cells and control circuits based on the selected architecture and the design rules of the target manufacturing process.

v. Verification: The memory compiler verifies the circuit layout for functionality, timing, power, and manufacturability, using a set of simulation, verification, and optimization tools.

vi. Output generation: The memory compiler generates the output files, which include the circuit layout, timing models, power models, and test patterns, in the required format for the target manufacturing process.

Overall, the memory compiler takes the design specification provided by the chip designer and automates the process of creating a customised memory circuit layout, optimising it for performance, power, and area, and verifying its correctness and manufacturability.

7.  Who uses memory compiler?

Memory compilers are mainly used by semiconductor companies, chip designers, and integrated circuit (IC) manufacturers to automate the design and manufacturing process of memory circuits. This includes companies that produce microprocessors, graphics processors, application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), and other types of integrated circuits that contain memory components.

Memory compilers are particularly useful for companies that need to design and manufacture large volumes of memory circuits, such as DRAMs and flash memories, because they can significantly reduce the time and cost of developing these circuits. Memory compilers are also used by companies that need to create custom memory circuits with specific performance, power, and area requirements.

Overall, the use of memory compilers is widespread in the semiconductor industry, and they have become an essential tool for designing and manufacturing memory circuits.

 8. Which are the best memory compilers available in   market?

i. Synopsys DesignWare Memory Compiler is a widely used memory compiler that supports a wide range of memory types, such as SRAMs, ROMs, and flash memories. It offers a high degree of automation, customization, and optimization, as well as advanced verification and characterization capabilities. 

ii. Cadence Memory Compiler is another popular memory compiler that provides a comprehensive set of tools for designing and verifying memory circuits. It supports a wide range of memory types, including SRAMs, DRAMs, ROMs, and flash memories, and offers a high degree of customization, optimization, and verification.

iii. Arm Artisan Memory Compiler is a memory compiler developed by Arm Holdings, a leading semiconductor IP provider. It supports a wide range of memory types, including SRAMs, DRAMs, ROMs, and flash memories, and offers a high degree of automation, customization, and optimization, as well as advanced verification and characterization capabilities.

iv. Mentor Graphics Embedded Memory IP is a memory compiler that provides a range of pre-designed memory IP blocks, including SRAMs, ROMs, and flash memories, that can be customized and optimized to meet specific design requirements. It offers a high degree of automation, customization, and optimization, as well as advanced verification and characterization capabilities.

Overall, there are many memory compilers available in the market, and the choice of a particular memory compiler depends on the specific design requirements, the target manufacturing process, and the design team's familiarity with the tool.

9. What is embedded memory?

Embedded memory is a type of memory that is integrated directly into an integrated circuit (IC) or chip, rather than being a separate component. Embedded memory is used to store data or instructions within the IC itself and is an essential component of many electronic devices, including microprocessors, digital signal processors (DSPs), and system-on-chip (SoC) designs.

There are several types of embedded memory, including static random-access memory (SRAM), dynamic random-access memory (DRAM), read-only memory (ROM), and flash memory. Each type of embedded memory has its own unique characteristics and is optimized for specific performance, power, and area requirements.

Embedded memory is typically designed using a memory compiler tool that can automate the process of designing and manufacturing memory circuits, as well as optimize them for performance, power, and area. The use of embedded memory can significantly reduce the size, cost, and power consumption of electronic devices, as well as improve their performance and reliability.

10. How embedded memory is different from others?

Embedded memory is different from standalone memory, because it is integrated directly into an IC, rather than being a separate component. Here are some key differences between embedded memory and other types of memory  based on some parameters like  Integration,  Customization,  Performance,  Cost.

i. Embedded memory is integrated directly into an IC , which means it takes up less physical space and has a smaller form factor than standalone memory. In contrast, standalone memory is a separate component that needs to be connected to the IC or chip using external pins or interfaces.

ii. Embedded memory is often designed and optimized specifically for a particular IC , which means it can be customized to meet the specific performance, power, and area requirements of the design. Standalone memory, on the other hand, is a standardized component that is not optimized for any particular design.

iii. Embedded memory can often provide faster access times and lower latency than standalone memory because it is integrated directly into the IC . However, standalone memory can provide higher bandwidth and larger capacity than embedded memory.

iv. Embedded memory can be more cost-effective than standalone memory because it eliminates the need for a separate memory component and the associated packaging, testing, and assembly costs. However, the cost-effectiveness of embedded memory depends on the specific design requirements and the manufacturing process.

Overall, embedded memory is an essential component of many electronic devices, and its integration into an IC provides several advantages over standalone memory in terms of size, customization, performance, and cost.

11. Do you know about OPENRAM?

OpenRAM is an open-source memory compiler that enables the design and customization of different types of memory modules, such as SRAM, DRAM and CAM. It is developed using the Python programming language and is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

OpenRAM includes a set of scripts and tools that can automate the process of designing memory circuits, from layout to verification. This can save designers time and effort by eliminating the need for manual design and optimization. OpenRAM also provides a user-friendly interface for designers to specify the memory parameters, such as size, speed, power, and area, and generate the corresponding memory circuit layout. It supports various process technologies and can be easily integrated into different design flows.

OpenRAM is widely used in academic and industrial research projects for developing memory circuits for various applications, such as microprocessors, graphics processors, and networking devices.

Find the video lecture on this topic here:

Courtesy : Image by

All Sort Of Chips in VLSI

Today our life is very much device or appliance dependent. Most of the devices be it home appliances or medical equipment everything uses semiconductor chips for their intended operations. Now lets see where do we use chip in regular life:

i. Computers and laptops: ICs are the building blocks of computer processors, which power these devices. Motherboard contains large number of chips. Altogether these chips perform in coherence and intended manner so that computer or laptop can perform their work properly. 

ii. Smartphones and tablets: Smart phones and tablets are basically smaller version of computers. These devices are as smart as their hardware and software. Chips are used to power the processors and memory in smartphone and tablets. Different chips help these devices to run apps and perform various functions.

iii. Televisions: Chips are used in the control circuits of TVs, as well as in the processing and display of video signals.

iv. Automobiles: Chips are used in the control systems of cars and trucks. Those chips take part in  regulating engine performance, fuel consumption, safety features etc.

v. Medical devices: Chips are used in different  medical devices including pacemakers, insulin pumps,diagnostic equipment etc.

vi. Home appliances: Chips are used in many home appliances such as  refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners, to help control and optimize their performance.

Overall, chips are an integral part of many of the electronic devices that we use in our daily lives, helping to make them faster, more efficient, and more capable.

Optical chip :

Optical Chip or Photonic Chip,  uses light instead of electricity to transmit and process information. In traditional ICs electrical signal is used to transmit and process information, whereas in optical chips photons are used for that purpose. Optical chips are used in applications like  including telecommunications, data centers, and scientific research. Optical chips offer several advantages over traditional electronic chips such as  higher bandwidth, faster data transfer rates, and lower power consumption.

Photonic ICs or PICs offer advantages over conventional chips such as miniaturization, higher speed, low thermal effects, large integration capacity, and compatibility with existing processing flows that allow for high yield, volume manufacturing, and lower prices.

Optical or Photonic chips are used in a variety of applications in our daily lives. Here are some examples:

i. Telecommunications: Optical or photonic chips are used in fiber-optic networks that transmit data over long distances. They are used to convert electrical signals into optical signals, which can travel much faster and farther than electrical signals. Photonic chips are also used in high-speed internet connections, enabling fast downloads and streaming.

ii. Medical Devices : Photonic chips are used in medical imaging devices like endoscopes and microscopes. They can detect and analyze light signals from biological tissues and cells, allowing doctors and researchers to diagnose and study diseases.

iii. Sensors: Photonic chips can be used as sensors to detect changes in light intensity or wavelength. They are used in environmental monitoring, industrial inspection, and security applications.

iv. Quantum Computing: Photonic chips are used in quantum computing, a field that aims to develop super-powerful computers based on the principles of quantum mechanics. Photonic chips are used to generate and manipulate quantum states of light, which can be used to perform complex calculations much faster than classical computers.

Overall, photonic chips are an important technology that enables faster and more efficient data processing and communication, and they have a wide range of applications in various industries and fields.

Types of Chips :

Now Let’s classify chips based on their functioning: 

Each electronic chip has specific function to perform. Based on functions or purpose they perform we can classify them in few groups. 

i. Microprocessors: First in the list is microprocessors. These chips are the brains of computers and other digital devices. They contain a central processing unit or CPU that processes data and instructions.

ii. Memory chips: Next is memory chip. These chips store data and instructions for a device. There are several types of memory chips, including RAM, ROM and flash memory.

iii. Digital signal processors (DSPs): These chips are designed to perform signal processing tasks, such as audio and video processing.

iv. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs):

A field-programmable gate array(FPGA) is an integrated circuit designed to be configured by a customer or a designer after manufacturing. These chips can be programmed to perform a wide range of functions and that makes them versatile and flexible.

v. Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs): These chips convert analog signals (such as sound or light) into digital signals that can be processed by a device.

vi. Power management chips: These chips regulate the power supply to a device, ensuring that it operates within safe and efficient limits.

vii. Sensor chips: These chips detect and measure physical and environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, and motion.

Overall, there are many different types of electronics chips, each with its own specialized function and design.

There is another type of classification we can do , depending upon material used to make the chip.  Besides Silicon , many compound semiconductors such as GaN, GaAs, InP, SiC are also to manufacture chips. 

Compound semiconductor Chips : 

Chips made with compound semiconductors are semiconductor devices that are made by combining two or more elements from different groups in the periodic table. Chips made with compound semiconductors offer several advantages over Si made chips. Such advantages includes higher performance and greater flexibility in designing electronic devices. Here are some examples of chips made with compound semiconductors:

i. Gallium Nitride (GaN) Chips :

Gallium nitride (GaN) chips are  made by combining elements Gallium and Nitrogen. GaN chips, are used in a variety of applications, including power electronics, RF amplifiers, and LED lighting. These chips offer several advantages over traditional silicon-based chips such as  higher power density, faster switching speeds, and better thermal performance. All these properties make GaN chips ideal for high-performance applications. Here are some of the applications of GaN chips:

a. Power Electronics: GaN chips are used in power electronics applications, such as power supplies, inverters, and motor drives. They offer higher efficiency and smaller size compared to silicon-based chips, enabling more compact and energy-efficient power systems.

b. RF Amplifiers: GaN chips are used in RF amplifiers, such as those used in cellular base stations and military radar systems. They offer higher frequency response and output power compared to silicon-based chips, enabling better performance in wireless communications and other applications.

c. LED Lighting: GaN chips are used in LED lighting applications, offering higher efficiency and longer lifespan compared to traditional incandescent bulbs. GaN-based LEDs can produce brighter and more colorful light, making them ideal for lighting and display applications.

d. Electric Vehicles: GaN chips are used in electric vehicle (EV) power electronics, enabling more efficient and faster charging, better range, and lower cost compared to silicon-based solutions. GaN-based EV power electronics can also reduce the size and weight of the power train, enabling more compact and lightweight EVs.

Overall, GaN chips are an important technology that enables higher performance and efficiency in a wide range of applications, from power electronics to wireless communications and lighting.

ii. Indium Phosphide (InP) Chips :

Indium Phosphide (InP) chips are  made by combining indium and phosphorus elements. InP chips offer properties like higher bandwidth and lower power consumption that make them ideal for high-speed optical communications and other applications. Some of the applications of InP chips:

a. High-speed fiber-optic communications: InP chips are used in the fabrication of high-speed optical communication devices, such as lasers, photodetectors, and modulators. These devices enable high-speed data transfer over long distances with low power consumption, making them ideal for telecommunications, data centers, and other applications.

b. Terahertz radiation: InP chips can also be used to generate and detect terahertz radiation, which has potential applications in imaging, sensing, and communication.

c. Photovoltaics: InP chips are used in the fabrication of high-efficiency solar cells, enabling the conversion of sunlight into electricity. These cells have potential applications in space exploration, remote sensing, and other areas where high efficiency and reliability are critical.

d. Quantum computing: InP chips are being explored for their potential applications in quantum computing, which promises to revolutionize computing by enabling the processing of vast amounts of data at unprecedented speeds.

Overall, InP chips offer unique properties that make them ideal for high-speed optical communications, photovoltaics, terahertz radiation, and quantum computing.

iii. Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) Chips :

Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) chips are made by combining elements Gallium and Arsenic. GaAs chips offer igher frequency response, higher power output, and better noise performance over traditional silicon-based chips. Applications of GaAs chips includes:

a. RF and Microwave Applications: GaAs chips are used in RF and microwave applications, such as satellite communications, radar systems, and cellular base stations. GaAs chips offer higher frequency response and power output compared to silicon-based chips, enabling better performance in wireless communications and other applications.

b. Photovoltaics: GaAs chips are used in high-efficiency solar cells, enabling the conversion of sunlight into electricity. These cells have potential applications in space exploration, remote sensing, and other areas where high efficiency and reliability are critical.

c. Optoelectronics: GaAs chips are used in the fabrication of opto-electronic devices, such as LEDs and photodetectors. These devices enable the conversion of light into electricity, enabling a wide range of applications, including lighting, sensing, and communication.

d. Aerospace and Defense: GaAs chips are used in a variety of aerospace and defense applications, such as guidance and navigation systems, missile systems, and electronic warfare systems. GaAs chips offer better performance in harsh environments compared to silicon-based chips, enabling reliable operation in extreme conditions.

Overall, GaAs chips offer unique properties that make them ideal for RF and microwave applications, photo-voltaics, opto-electronics, and aerospace and defense applications.

iv. Silicon Carbide (SiC) Chips

Silicon Carbide (SiC) chips are semiconductor devices that are made by combining elements Silicon and Carbon. SiC chips offers higher thermal conductivity, higher temperature tolerance, and higher voltage ratings over traditional silicon-based chips. Some of the applications of SiC chips:

a. Power Electronics: SiC chips are used in power electronics applications, such as power converters, inverters, and motor drives. They offer higher efficiency, smaller size, and higher power density compared to silicon-based chips, enabling more compact and energy-efficient power systems.

b. Electric Vehicles: SiC chips are used in electric vehicle (EV) power electronics, enabling more efficient and faster charging, better range, and lower cost compared to silicon-based solutions. SiC-based EV power electronics can also reduce the size and weight of the power train, enabling more compact and lightweight EVs.

c. Renewable Energy: SiC chips are used in renewable energy applications, such as solar and wind power systems. They offer higher efficiency and longer lifespan compared to traditional silicon-based solutions, enabling more reliable and cost-effective renewable energy systems.

d. Aerospace and Defense: SiC chips are used in a variety of aerospace and defense applications, such as high-temperature sensors, power electronics, and communications systems. SiC chips offer better performance in harsh environments compared to silicon-based chips, enabling reliable operation in extreme conditions.

Overall, SiC chips offer unique properties that make them ideal for power electronics, electric vehicles, renewable energy, and aerospace and defense applications.

 LED Chip :

An LED (Light Emitting Diode) chip is a type of semiconductor device that emits light when an electric current is passed through it. LED chips are typically made from a combination of elements, such as gallium, arsenic, phosphorus, and nitrogen, and are arranged in layers on a substrate.

The active layer of the LED chip is made from a p-n junction, which is a region where a p-type semiconductor and an n-type semiconductor are brought into contact. When an electric current is applied to the LED chip, electrons and holes recombine at the p-n junction, releasing energy in the form of light.

LED chips are used in a wide range of applications, including lighting, displays, and indicators. They offer several advantages over traditional light sources, such as incandescent and fluorescent bulbs, including higher energy efficiency, longer lifespan, and greater durability. LED chips can also be combined to create multi-color lighting effects, making them ideal for applications such as stage lighting and architectural lighting.

Surface Mount Device :

Finally we will talk about SMD or surface mount devices. We all have seen PCB inside different home devices such as radio or transistors. SMD is latest technology for PCBs basically.Electronics is a market or consumer driven subject so we decided to include SMD in todays topic.

SMD is an electronic component that is designed to be mounted directly onto the surface of a PCB. They are typically smaller in size than traditional through-hole components so they can be placed closer on the PCB. As a result high density of components can be placed on a smaller PCB and the design become compact. As a result manufactiring costs decreases. Since SMD components don’t need holes in the board it allows both sides of the board to be used more fully.

SMDs are used in a wide range of electronic devices, including smartphones, computers, televisions, and other consumer electronics. Their small size and high density make them ideal for applications where space is a constraint. 

Even with so many advantages Surface Mount Technique has some disadvantages when compared to traditional PCBs. SMT PBB assembly equipments are quite expensive  and their inspection is quite difficult due to size.

Watch the video lecture here :

Courtesy : Image by skitterphoto , pixabay from pexels

Apr 29, 2023

Different VLSI Job Roles

In this article we will discuss about different job roles and their scope of work in VLSI. 

This article is specifically intended for freshers or those who are planning to join the domain.

1. Design Engineer :

Design Engineer is a job role where the engineer designs a brand new circuit for an upcoming chip or modifies an existing design already realized in form of a published chip. In VLSI we design fresh chips as per need, hence we have to start a design from scratch. Here the need of a design engineer come into the picture. Design engineer can work at  SOC/Chip level, sub-chip/sub-system level or IP level. 

Now lets discuss about the different design engineer roles we usually see across entire VLSI arena.

a) RTL design engineer:

They design a particular digital circuit using HDL. They take help of state machine to capture and incorporate any novel digital design. 

The job role may include the responsibilities like:

i.  designing the functions of modules of the system-on-chip (SOC) as per input and output specifications.

ii. Optimizing the design to achieve best power, performance and area.

iii. Implementation and verification of high performance and low power clock distribution network and building blocks.

b) Physical Design Engineer :

Physical Design Engineer has to work on the chip layout. The work may start from floor planning and may go up to engineering change order(ECO).

c) IP level Design Engineer : 

Design at the very block level with basic functionalities. The nature of design could be digital, analog or digital+analog i.e. Mixed signal.

d) The Digital Design Engineer : 

The Digital Design Engineer / Architect is responsible for defining and realizing Digital functions on IPs, Subsystem or IC level based on required specifications.

e) Analog Design Engineer : If the IP under design is an analog one then we call them analog design engineer. Different Types of Memory design comes under analog design.

2. Verification Engineer:

Well after design engineer post lets understand about verification engineer.

When a design is made by a design engineer it has to get verified for its intended functionality with all sort of possible permutation and combination of input and control signal values.Hence the need of a verification engineer comes into the picture. Depending on nature of the circuit and methodology of verification we can further divide job roles into  

a) Digital Verification

b) Analog Verification

c) AMS Verification

d) DFT

Verification engineers design and implement testing procedures to determine if products work as intended. 

These skilled engineers are responsible for creating the initial product verification methodology, selecting 

the testing environments, and developing testing plans.

a) Digital verification : 

The digital verification engineer operates before the FPGA, ASIC or SoC production phase. He works with the design teams (FPGA engineers, microelectronic engineers, etc.) in order to verify their designs (IP, sub-system, system).

The verification can be realized at different abstraction levels.

i. RTL unit blocks verification :  

The verification can be made at the RTL blocks level. Thus, we test all the functionalities of an IP through simulations.

ii. Verification at the sub-system level : 

The verification can also be realized at the sub-system level including several IP. Then, we check all their functionalities and their integration in the sub-system.

iii. Top level verification :

Once the RTL design is verified at the unit level, we can integrate it at the top level.

Required skills includes : 

i) Skills in ASIC / FPGA verification (directed test or SystemVerilog / UVM)

ii) Basic knowledge in design techniques Verilog or VHDL.

iii) A good knowledge of simulation flow.

iv) Good basis in scripting Python, Perl, Bash…

b) Analog Verification : Analog verification is a methodology for performing functional verification on analog, mixed-signal and RF integrated circuits and systems on chip.

c) Analog-Mixed Signal Verification : 

A single verification environment combining both analog and digital solvers that can be used to functionally verify at the desired level of accuracy using either option or both digital (speed) and analog (accuracy) engines. Metric-driven verification (MDV) to analog components in a mixed-signal design.

d) DFT : 

Above mentioned three types of verification are pre-production whereas DFT is done after production of the chip. During the design process extra logic is put in the design which actually used to do post production testing. The purpose of DFT is to validate or verify that the end product does ot contain any manufacturing defects. 

3. Physical Design(PD) Engineer :

Moving to Physical Design means moving from abstract level to Silicon level, so actually all the engineers look to the design through lens of Silicon. Physical design or back end starts after Synthesis and includes steps up to sign off. So basically  floor planning, placement and routing, timing or STA , power budget and area, implementing ECO tasks (timing and functional ECOs)  to address functional bugs and timing violation,physical verification like LVS,DRC.. etc ,Noise analysis, Electro-Migration, Antenna checks all these comes under job role of PD Engineer. Obviously it should be a big team to perform and complete all these complex works. 

Required Technical and Professional Expertise : 

i) Good knowledge and hands on experience in physical design methodology which include logic synthesis, placement, clock tree synthesis, routing .

ii) Should be knowledgeable in physical verification ( LVS,DRC.. etc) ,Noise analysis, Power analysis and electro migration . Good knowledge and hands on experience in static timing analysis (closing timing at chip level ) , good understanding of timing constraints .

iii)  Automation skills in PERL ,SKILL and/or TCL

iv)  Strong Back ground of ASIC Physical Design: Floor planning, P&R, extraction, IR Drop Analysis, Timing and Signal Integrity closure.

v) Extensive experience and detailed knowledge in Cadence or Synopsys or Magma physical Design Tools.

vi) Static Timing Analysis in Prime-time or Prime-time-SI.

4. Application Engineer :

Application Engineers works at the customer interface. They both take care internal and external customers.It does not mean to meet the customer face to face always. There is a continuous communication via mail or ticketing systems . They take care of customer need. Lets understand these from perspective of a EDA tool vendor. 

An  EDA tool company sell its products or tools to many design houses. Every company wants to make their tool bug free although all tool have some bug. When the engineers from design team face any issue regarding the tool they get back to the EDA tool vendor and application engineer from EDA company look into the issue. If required Application Engineer take RnD team the loop and give solution to the customer. This is basically post sale position. 

In some cases Application Engineer post is pre-sale position and their job role includes visit to customer campus. In such visit actually they meet new teams try to understand if there is any requirement where their EDA tool can fit. If a FAE can take up any lead and convert it into sell then the matter goes to account manager and sells executive. 

This job role requires communications skills including written, verbal, through webex/zoom/google meet. Good technical  understanding is the core quality one need to excel in this domain. 

Field Application Engineer, Corporate application engineer, Application consultant are some popular designation of application engineers. The job title depends on companies. This kind of job role give you satisfaction of solving problem, high stress of handling demanding customer, glamour of travelling and obviously you will get amazing experience of people interface. 

5. CAD Engineer :

CAD engineers are experts in CAD tool and they develop flows that integrate multiple tools creating a rather seamless environment for other engineers to use.  Develops and applies computer aided design (CAD) software engineering methods, theories and research techniques in the investigation and solution of technical problems. Assessing architecture and hardware limitations, plans technical projects in the design and development of CAD software defines and selects new approaches and implementation of CAD software engineering applications  and design specifications and parameters. Develops routines and utility programs. Prepares design specifications, analysis and recommendations for presentation and approval may specify materials, equipment and supplies required for completion of projects and may evaluate vendor capabilities to provide required products or services.

Required Technical and Professional Expertise :  l 

i)    Good knowledge of scripting languages like Python/TCL/PERL 

ii)  Exposure to C/C++/or other functional programming language

iii) Experience in different commercial tools 

iv)  Good understanding in VLSI domain

v)   Familiarity with standard software engineering practices for version control, configuration management, testing, root cause analysis and quality assurance.

vi) Teamwork, communication (vertical and/or horizontal) and problem-solving skills

vii) In depth knowledge in Data Structures, Algorithms and Optimizations

For CAD engineer it is advisable to gather as much as domain knowledge possible in the area of working.

6. Characterization Engineer :

There can be various types of characterization in the entire VLSI arena. At the very basic point characterisation means to list out the electrical properties and/or associated physical pproperties, associated with a circuit under concern. Now by the nature of the circuit whether it is digital, analog, io, memory the definition of the respective job role is defined like ,

i) Standard Cell Characterisation

ii) I/O characterisation

iii) Memory Characterisation

For the characterization there are generally industry standard simulation tools are there. if you are going for such a job role you have to learn respective EDA software . For standard cell characterization CADENCE liberate or Synopsys Silicon Smart are most popular two EDA tools.

For memory characterisation whether you are designing a RAM, ROM, NVM or non-volatile memory generally there are lot of custom scripts combined with professinal EDA tools will be given to you. For such characterisation jobs strong fundamental knowledge of the respective circuit is required. 

7.  Silicon Test CHIP Engineer :

TEST chip is a functional miniature prototype of the ASIC chip under concern or the test chip could be a trst vehicle to test various design IPs of a IP design house. The test chip engineer. has to be a jack of all trades. He or She must know all the steps from RTL to GDSII and Hence the TEST chip engineer job role is challenging and highly rewarding.

8. Sign-Off  Engineer :

You might come across the name sign off engineer however for you freshers we would like to tell you that this positions are not for freshers. 

When you have atleast 10-15 yrs of continuous experience then only you can loo towards this jobs. 

Courtesy : Image by Israel Andrade-YI from unsplash

Jan 22, 2023

How To Prepare For Your First Appraisal?

Your first appraisal is very important. This is your first job, you have started to understand many things , settling down slowly.You might have some doubt about your performance and how your team and manager rate it. Well this is the time when you can get a fair picture where you stand. Regular review meeting is part of working life. How frequently your manager call for a review meeting depends on company culture and nature of your project you are working on. 

An Appraisal or Performance Review is a regular meeting between an employee and their manager(s) to discuss their performance, progress, work goals and objectives, and any concerns. Among all of the reviews, one review is most important which is officially the time when you get your revised salary letter or promotion. Here we are talking about that review. Your manager will sum up the year long performance and forward a report to HR after the appraisal meeting.

If you want to know how much salary hike you could expect , we have a video and article on that. 

Watch it or Read it, you will get fair idea. 

Most companies follow some kind of performance review system, typically carried out on a quarterly, half-yearly  or yearly basis. Some companies follow quite informal approach for review meeting although many other companies follow formal approach  with paperwork to complete and a specific system for recording the topics that has been discussed. 

Topics Covered In an Appraisal :

Usually in an appraisal focus remain on topics like:

i.  Achievements of an employee during the appraisal period

ii. Goals for the next few months or the year

iii. Areas of concern the manager has about employee performance

iv. Concerns or questions an employee have about the work

v.  Discussion on overall presence of the employee in the company. 

Usually team lead or manager explains how appraisals work before first review of an employee. Performance review makes many people very nervous although it serves several important purposes.We would say since performance review is mandatory for all, why do't you start preparing for it.

Preparation for Appraisal :

Reflect on your journey in this job role so far and prepare to answer some questions on  topics like:

 i.   Your biggest achievement in the job so far.

ii.   Things you enjoy most and least about your work.

iii.  Mistakes you have made and what you learnt from them. 

iv.   Your biggest strengths and weaknesses so far.

v.    Relationship with your coworkers.

vi.   Any concerns about any aspect of your job 

vii.  Any extra support you need.

viii. Your goals for the next 6-12 months.

ix.   Your medium-term and long-term career goals. 

Self Assessment :

Self assessment is the biggest thing in any aspect of life.  Try to be as objective as you can in your self-assessments. Don’t give an unrealistically high review of your own performance, but don’t be unnecessarily self-deprecating either. We all have strengths and weaknesses and the ability to reflect on them accurately is what matters most.

When a person is too optimistic he ignores any chance of negative situation.  Again a pessimistic person doesn't consider chance of any positive outcome. Both are extreme condition for real life experience. Life is a mixture of good and bad. So be realistic. Prepare your mind both for appreciation and criticism.

While doing self assessment consider below points:

1. How much of your goal target have you met this year?

2. What was your most impactful achievement this year?

3. How have you overcome your shortcomings?

4. What was the most challenging task you had to do this year?

5. Do you think your current job role is aligned with your future goals?

6. Are you comfortable with the company culture? Is there any room for improvement?

What to Do During  Appraisal :

We have listed few points what you must follow during appraisal to get most out of your appraisal meeting.

1. Be honest and Impartial :

Be true to yourself about your own achievement and accept it while your manager ask during appraisal. If your self assessment is not right there will be huge mismatch between your expectation and review.So be honest and take accountability for your accomplishments and failures alike. This approach will help you. 

2. Know Yourself : 

Assess yourself and take the initiative to improve your weaknesses and retain your strength. 

3. Seek Feedback :

Request for feedback from your manager and teammates. Its very normal to give reaction if the feedback is not that good. If you disagree give response not reaction. 

You can place below questions in-front of your manager and take the answer as suggestion.

i. Is there anything you could have done better?

ii. Is there anything he has noticed good in our work performance?

iii. Is there anything you can do to improve your performance going forward?

iv. Is there any room for career growth in your department?

4. Set Goal for Next Assessment Cycle : 

Give deep thought on how you could improve your performance. Draft your plan and share with your manager. Ask for his opinion and feed back on that also.

5. Career Conversation:

Share your mid- and long-term career plan  and goals with your manager.  

6. Development Plan:

Share your thoughts on what support you need for your development. Draw up a plan and seek your manager’s inputs and support.

7. Positive Participation:

Prepare yourself for your performance appraisal meeting by trying to relax.Your goal should be to listen deeply to the feedback your manager provides, as well as the goals and development plans they lay out for you.

8. Learn to listen:

Listen carefully to understand, not just to answer. Respond to the points he raises and answer to them accordingly. 

9. Stay professional:

Stay professional during the whole process even though it became emotionally taxing. Take responsibility if you have done any mistake. If someone else has done the mistake, try to include that person in the discussion without pointing that out.

10.Mind your body language

Be involved and engaged in the whole process. Don't appear reluctant, bored or frustrated. 

11. Collect testimonials

If a colleague, superior, customer or client has written something positive about you, gather these documents and use them in your appraisals. 

Dealing with NOT-SO-POSITIVE feedback:

We all love positive feedback. Although performance review is the meeting when you will hear some criticism. Its obvious for all. No one is perfect so we all lag in some aspect or other. Here comes the importance of self assessment. If your self assessment is impartial you can handle criticism from your manager.

Here we have listed Do's and Don'ts  of such situation: 

1. Do not be defensive. Try to look at the matter from a little bit uninvolved position. 

2. Talk in a calm, professional  manner, rather than a defensive way.

3. If there were points that were correct, acknowledge those.

4. Take feedback as a reflection of another person's perspective. It is a good opportunity to learn something about yourself.

5. Do not shift the blame. Blaming someone else is not the solution.  If you believe that a colleague should be held accountable for something, ask that if he can be included in the dialogue too.

6. Even if you do not like your managers attitude or word, be pleasant . Do not ignore your manager. Looking blankly at them while they are giving you negative feedback tells your manager that you are not interested in improving.

7. Treat the performance appraisal as an opportunity to reflect and take notice of your actions and non-actions. If you are able to act on both positive and negative feedback, leveraging your strengths and minimizing your weaknesses, you will have an advantage over your peers.

As a final tip, when leaving the appraisal meeting, focus on the future and not the past.

After the Appraisal Meeting:

Follow what was discussed during appraisal and keep track of your progress. Give progress report to your manager time-to-time. Work hard and improve your performance.

Ultimately, it's your career. You have to take it's responsibility. Manage your work, invest time and energy on improvement of your performance and closely monitor your progress. Proper preparation and positive participation are key to successful appraisal. Take this opportunity of appraisal  to make your contributions known and to get meaningful feedback and direction that will help you grow. 

Finally, don’t stress. Good luck with your appraisal!

Courtesy :, Image by Sora Shimazaki on pexels