Aug 22, 2024

PIn Assignment & Power-Ground Routing in Physical Design


Design Flow and Pin Assignment :

When planning the layout of large blocks, where you place the connection points (terminals) is very important. These connection points, called I/O pins, are usually placed on the edges of the blocks to keep the wiring short. The best spots for these pins depend on how the blocks are arranged. During pin assignment, each signal (net) is assigned a specific pin location to improve the overall design. The main goals are to make sure the wiring is easy to route and to reduce unwanted electrical effects both inside and outside the block. The objective of external pin assignment is to link each incoming or outgoing signal to a unique I/O pin. After assigning each necessary net to its designated pin, the connections must be optimized to minimize wire length and reduce electrical parasitics, such as coupling or signal integrity loss.

More on Pin Assignment :

Pin assignment is used to connect cell pins that are functionally or electrically equivalent, such as during standard cell placement. Two pins are considered functionally equivalent if swapping them does not alter the design's logic, and they are electrically equivalent or equi-potential if they are connected. The primary goal of internal pin assignment for cells is to minimize congestion and reduce interconnect length between cells.  The pin assignment techniques described below are applicable to both chip planning and placement stages.

Pin Assignment using Concentric Circles :

The algorithm connect a block to all its associated pins in other blocks with minimum of cross-connections. It operates under the assumption that all outer pins have fixed positions. Inner pins are positioned based on the locations of their electrically equivalent outer pins. The algorithm employs two concentric circles: the inner circle for the pins of the block being considered and the outer circle for pins in other blocks. The primary goal is to assign valid pin locations on both circles w/o no net overlap.

1. Determine the Circles : 

The two circles are drawn such a way that all pins that belong to the block are outside the inner circle and all external pins are outside the outer circle.

2. Determine the Points :

For each point, draw a line from that point to the center of the circles. Then, move each outer point to where the line meets the outer circle, and move each inner point to where the line meets the inner circle.

3. Determine Initial Mapping : 

The initial setup pairs each outer pin with a matching inner pin. Start by choosing any pin and assign it to an inner pin. Then, assign the rest of the pins either in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction.

4. Optimizing the Mapping :

Repeat the process of pairing outer and inner points in different ways. Start with the same outer point, but try pairing it with different inner points, and then pair the rest of the points accordingly. Continue until all possible pairings have been tried. The best pairing is the one that has the shortest total distance between the points. In this problem, an example pairing is shown on the left, the best pairing is in the center, and the final pin assignments are on the right.

Topological Pin Assignment :

This algorithm is an improvement to concentric-circle pin assignment algorithm. It takes into account external block positions and multi -pin nets. This allowed pin assignment even when external pins are behind other blocks. This algorithm is an improvement to concentric-circle pin assignment algorithm. It takes into account external block positions and multi -pin nets. This allowed pin assignment even when external pins are behind other blocks.

This method allows multiple block to be considered simultaneously. There are two blocs a & b. On block a, consider the midpoint lines lm~a and lm~b. The point d1 is formed because it is the farther point on lm~a. The point d2 is formed because it is closer point on lm~b.  The point d3 is formed because it is the farther oint on lm~b. Using d1-d3, the pins are “unwrapped” accordingly when projected onto m’s outer circle.

Design Flow : Power & Ground Routing :

Chip planning involves designing the power-ground distribution network and positioning supply I/O pads or bumps. Up to 20-40% of all metal resources on the chip are used to supply power (VDD) and ground (GND) nets.

The power planning process includes iterative steps such as:

1. Early simulation of major power dissipation components.

2. Initial estimation of overall chip power.

3. Analysis of total chip power and peak power density.

4. Examination of total chip power fluctuations.

5. Analysis of inherent and additional fluctuations caused by        clock gating.

6. Early analysis of power distribution, including average, maximum, and multi-cycle fluctuations.

Design of a Power-Ground Distribution :

Every cell needs both VDD and GND connections. They connect each cell in the design to a power source. VDD and GND supply lines are large, cover the entire chip, and are routed before any signal lines. Core supply lines differ from I/O supply lines, which usually have a higher voltage. Single core power line and core ground line are often enough, For some ICs, like mixed-signal or low-power designs, may have multiple power and ground lines. Routing power/ground lines is different from routing signal lines. Power/ground lines require their own metal layers to avoid taking up space needed for signal routing. Thicker metal layers, typically the top two in the manufacturing process, are preferred for power and ground lines due to their lower resistance. When the power-ground network spans multiple layers, sufficient vias must be used to carry current and prevent reliability issues like electro-migration. Supply lines carry high current, so they are often much wider than signal lines. The width of each wire segment can be adjusted based on the expected current. Wider segments have lower resistance, which reduces voltage drop. 

 There are two main approaches to designing power-ground distribution:

1. The planar approach : used in analog or custom blocks.

2. The mesh approach : more common in digital ICs.

Planar Routing:

Power supply nets can be routed using planar routing when 

(1) only two supply nets are present in the design,

(2) a cell needs a connection to both supply nets.

A Hamiltonian path is created that connects all the cells. The path divides the layout into two regions: one for each supply net. Each supply net is routed either the left/right side of the path for each cell. So both supply nets can be laid out without conflicts in across the design.

Routing the power and grounds nets and grounds nets in this planar fashion can be accomplished with the following three steps:

1. Planarize the topology of nets:

Since both power and ground nets must be routed on the same layer, the design should be divided using a Hamiltonian path. Start routing the power and ground nets from the left and right sides, respectively. Ensure both nets expand in a tree-like structure,  avoiding overlap and maintaining separation by the Hamiltonian path. The precise routing will depend on the pin locations. Connect the cells wherever a pin is encountered during the routing process.

2. Layer Assignment :

Net segments are allocated to specific routing layers considering factors such as routability, the resistance and capacitance characteristics of each available layer, and design rule constraints.

3. Determining the widths of the net segment:

The width of each segment is based on the maximum current it needs to carry. This width is determined by summing up the currents from all the connected cells, according to Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL). For large currents, designers often increase the width by stacking multiple layers vertically, connected by vias. Deciding the right width is usually an iterative process because currents are influenced by timing and noise, which are, in turn, affected by voltage drops, creating a cyclic dependency. This loop is typically resolved through multiple iterations and the expertise of experienced designers. After completing these steps, the power- ground segments are adjusted to avoid obstacles during general signal routing.

Mesh Routing :

Power-Ground routing in state-of-art IC has mesh topology. There are five steps followed to create the topology.

1. Creating a Ring : 

A ring is built around the main part of the chip, and sometimes around specific sections. The ring's job is to link the power supply and any electrostatic discharge protection to the chip's overall power network. To keep resistance low, these connections, as well as the ring, are spread across multiple layers of metal. For instance, the ring might use metal layers from Metal2 to Metal8, skipping only Metal1.

2. Connecting I/O pads to the ring :

The top figure shows the connectors from the I/O pads to the ring. Each I/O pad has several metal layers with multiple fingers extending from it. These fingers should be connected as much as possible to the power ring to reduce resistance and improve the flow of current to the core.

3. Creating a Mesh :

A power mesh is made up of a series of stripes placed at specific intervals across two or more layers. The width and spacing of these stripes are determined by estimated power consumption and layout design rules. The stripes are arranged in alternating pairs, such as VDD-GND, VDD-GND, and so forth. The power mesh primarily uses the uppermost and thickest layers, while the lower layers have fewer stripes to prevent signal routing congestion. Stripes on neighboring layers are typically connected with as many vias as possible to reduce resistance.

4. Creating Metal1 rails :  

The Metal1 layer is where the power-ground distribution network connects to the design's logic gates. The width and spacing (current supply capability) of the Metal1 rails are usually defined by the standard cell library. The standard cell rows are arranged "back to back," allowing each power supply net to be shared between two adjacent cell rows.

5. Connecting the Metal1 rails to the mesh : 

Finally, the Metal1 rails are connected to the power mesh using stacked vias. A critical factor is ensuring the appropriate size of the via stack (i.e., the number of vias in the stack). Ideally, the most resistive part of the power distribution should be the Metal1 segments between the via stacks, rather than the stacks themselves. Additionally, the via stack is optimized to preserve the design's routing flexibility. For instance, depending on the direction of routing congestion, a 1x4 array of vias might be more effective than a 2x2 array.

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What is Floorplanning in VLSI Physical Design ?

Design Flow & Floorplanning :

Chip planning involves organizing large parts of a chip, Chip planning has three main stages: (1) floor planning, (2) pin assignment, and (3) power planning. 

 A gate-level or RTL netlist can be automatically divided into modules. These modules can also be taken from a hierarchical design. Large chip modules are arranged as blocks or rectangular shapes. Floor planning decides where these shapes go and their sizes, based on the areas and aspect ratios of the modules to optimize chip size, reduce interconnect, and improve timing. This stage ensures that every chip module is assigned a shape and a location. This facilitate gate placement and every pin that has an external connection is assigned a location so that internal and external nets can be routed. Pin assignment connects outgoing signals to block pins, and I/O placement finds locations for the chip's input and output pads, usually around the edge of the chip. This step ideally happens before floor planning, but locations can be updated during and after floor planning. Power planning creates the power supply network to ensure each block gets the right supply voltage. Partitioning and chip planning significantly impact later design steps.

Goals for Floorplan :

Importance of FLOOR PLAN:

- Arranging the partitioned blocks on a chip 

- Placement of the macros

- Specifying the location of the I/O pads

- Specifying the location and number of the power pads

- Deciding the type of power distribution.

The core of the chip is made up of one or more top level blocks). Core is is surrounded by a ring of pads. The design of the blocks and the arrangement of blocks and pads can affect the overall chip area (and hence the cost/yield).

A module becomes a rectangular block after it is assigned dimensions or a shape. These blocks can be either hard or soft. The dimensions and areas of hard blocks are fixed. For a soft block the area is fixed but the aspect ratio can be changed.

A floor planning usually includes following parameters : 

- the area of each module 

- all potential aspect ratios of each module 

- the netlist of all external connections incident to the module

Required Files for Floor Plan:

1. Synthesized Netlist :

A synthesised netlist describes the electrical connection of the ckt.. It consists of the electrical components and list of connected nodes. A synthesized Netlist can be written in Verilog/VHDL. 

2. Physical/Reference Library: 

Physical/reference libraries contains physical information for standard cell, macro cell and pad cells. These information are necessary for placement and routing.

3. Logic Libraries :

Logic library contains timing and functionality information of all standard cells used in the design. Timing information of hard macros such as IP, RAM, ROM etc also provided there.

4. Timing Constraints :

Design constraints, clock constraints, max skew, max and min insertion delay, number of clock domain,clock start point all these information are required.

5. Power Requirement : Power and ground Nets

6. Floor Planning Control Parameter : 

Die size estimation, core size, aspect ratio, core height, core width.

Optimization in Floor planning :

Area and shape of the global bounding box:  The global bounding box of a floor plan is the smallest rectangle that fits around all floorplan blocks. The area of this bounding box represents the total area of the top- level floorplan i.e. the full design and affects circuit  performance, yield, and manufacturing cost. To minimize the area of the global bounding box, we need to find the best (x, y) locations and shapes for each module so they fit closely together. Another goal, besides minimizing area, is to keep the aspect ratio of the global bounding box close to a target value. We can adjust the shapes of individual modules to achieve this. The area and aspect ratio of the global bounding box are connected, and both objectives are often optimized together.

Total wirelength: Long connections between blocks slow down signal propagation. For better performance connections must be shortened. Shorter connections means less wire capacitance i.e. reduced energy dissipation. Minimized wire length reduce power consumption. Shorter wire lengths improve routability and reduce manufacturing costs. If connections are too long or dense in one area, there may not be enough routing resources. Spreading circuit blocks apart can add routing tracks but increases chip size and cost. To simplify wire length calculation, we can connect all nets to the centers of the blocks. This method is accurate for small and medium blocks and allows quick interconnect evaluation.

Floorplan Tree :

A slicing floorplan is created by repeatedly dividing a  rectangular area, starting with the entire chip, into smaller rectangles using horizontal or vertical cuts. Its a binary tree with k leaves and k-1 internal nodes. Each leaf represents a block and each internal node represents a horizontal or vertical cut line. Each internal node has exactly two children.

A non-slicing floorplan cannot be formed by sequence of only vertical or horizontal cut in parent block. The smallest example of a non-slicing floorplan without wasted space is the wheel.

A floorplan tree represents a hierarchical floorplan. Each leaf node represents a block . Each internal node represent Horizontal Cut (H), Vertical Cut(V) or wheel (W). Order of Floorplan tree is the number of internal/non leaf node.

Constraint Graph Pair :

A constraint-graph pair is a floorplan representation that includes directed graphs showing the relationships between block positions. 

Two  types of graph :

1. the Vertical Constraint Graph , 

2. the Horizontal Constraint Graph

 A constraint graph consists of edges connecting n+2 weighted nodes, one source node s, one sink node t, n block nodes v1,v2 ….vn representing blocks m1,m2 The weight of a block node represents the size of the corresponding block.  The weights of the source and sink node are zero.

Vertical Constraint Graph (VCG) node weights represent the heights of the corresponding blocks. Two nodes vi and vj with corresponding blocks mi and mj are connected with a directed edge from vi to vj if mi is below mj.

Horizontal Constraint Graph (HCG) node weights represent the widths of the corresponding blocks. Two nodes vi and vj with corresponding blocks mi and mj are connected with a directed edge from vi to vj if mi is to the left of mj.

Longest path in VCG is the min vertical extent requires to pack the blocks (floorplan height) 

Longest path in HCG is the min horizontal extent requires to pack the blocks (floorplan width)

A sequence pair is an ordered pair(S+, S-) of block permutations. Together the two permutations represent geometric relations between every pair of blocks a and b.

 If a appears before b in both S+ and S-, then a is the left of b.

 If a appears before b in S+ but not in S- then a is above b.

S+ : < ...a...b...> S- : <...a...b...> if block a is left of block b

S+ : < ...a...b...> S- : <...b...a...> if block a is above block b

Floorplan Sizing :

Floorplan Sizing determines the minimum area of floorplan as well as the associated orientations and dimensions of each individual block. Algorithm uses the shapes of both the individual blocks and top-level floorplan, shape functions and corner points (limits)play a major role in determining an optimal floorplan. Shape functions (shape curves) and corner points.

Floorplan sizing consists of three major steps:

1. Construct the shape functions of the blocks :

Before determining the shape of the top-level floorplan, we need to figure out the shapes of each individual block first, because the overall shape depends on them.  Shape function for two blocks are shown. The shape functions ha(w)  and hb(w) show the feasible height-width combinations of the blocks.

2. Determine the shape function of the top level floorplan:

The overall shape of the top floorplan is based on the shapes of the individual blocks. Combining the blocks in either a vertical or horizontal way can lead to different outcomes.

3. Find the floorplan and individual blocks dimensions and locations :

After figuring out the shape of the top-level floorplan, the smallest possible floorplan area is calculated. These minimum-area floorplans are always located at the corner points of the shape function. Once the corner point with the minimum area is found, we can determine the size and position of each individual block by tracing back from the overall floorplan's shape to each block's shape.

Linear Ordering – I , II & III :

Linear ordering algorithms are frequently used to generate initial placement solutions for iterative improvement placement techniques.  The goal of linear ordering is to arrange the given blocks in a single row to minimize the total wire length of the connections between them. 

New nets : have no pins on any block from the partially-constructed ordering

Terminating Nets : have no other incident blocks that are unplaced.

Continuing nets : have at least one pin on a block from the partially constructed ordering and at least one pin on an unordered block.

Gain of any block m is:                                                             
gain(m) = no. of terminating nets of m – new nets of m

The block with the maximum gain is selected to be placed next.

There are 5 blocks A,B,C,D,E.

There are 6 nets N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6.

N1 = { A,B }              N2 = { A,D }

N3 = { A,C, E }         N4 = { B,D }

N5 = { C, D, E }        N6 = { D, E }

A is initial block. 




ITERATION - 3 & 4  :

Initial & Final Arrangement:

Cluster Growth :

Floorplan is created by adding blocks one by one until all are placed. Start by choosing an initial block and placing it in any corner. Each new block is added and merged with the cluster, either horizontally or  vertically or  diagonally.  The position and orientation of each new block depend on the current cluster shape. The goal is to place blocks in a way that best meets the floorplan’s objectives. Only the orientations of individual blocks are considered. The order of adding blocks is determined by a linear ordering algorithm. Blocks are added in such a order that overall floor planning area is minimum.

Simulated Annealing :

Simulated annealing algorithms work by starting with an initial random solution and gradually improving it. In each step, they look at nearby solutions by making small changes to the current one and choose a new solution from these options. Unlike greedy algorithms, simulated annealing (SA) algorithms don’t always reject solutions that are worse than the current one.  In a greedy algorithm, if a new solution is better (for example, has a lower cost), it is accepted and replaces the current one. If no better solution is found nearby, the algorithm stops, as it’s stuck at a local minimum. The main problem with greedy algorithms is that they only accept changes that improve the solution. The idea of annealing can be used to solve complex optimization problems. In the case of minimizing costs, finding the best solution is like finding the lowest energy state of a material. Simulated annealing algorithms start with a messy (high-cost) solution and mimic the annealing process to create a more organized (lower-cost) solution. The simulated annealing algorithm is random by nature, so running it twice usually gives different results. The difference in outcomes comes from random decisions, like how new solutions are created (for example, by swapping parts) and whether those changes are accepted or rejected.

Watch the Video Lecture Here :

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Aug 21, 2024

Is it worth it to get a PhD in analog VLSI ?


Whether or not it's worth it to get a PhD in analog VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) depends on your personal goals and career aspirations. 

A PhD in analog VLSI can provide you with a deep understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of designing analog integrated circuits using VLSI technology. This can be valuable if you are interested in pursuing a career in research and development, particularly in industries such as telecommunications, automotive, aerospace, and medical devices, where analog VLSI design is a critical component.  

Analog CHIPS are designed in full custom method. So must have domain knowdge of full custom design.

Having a PhD in analog VLSI can also open up opportunities for teaching and academic research, if that's something you're interested in.

However, it's important to consider the time, effort, and cost involved in pursuing a PhD. Your research laboratory and your PHD Guide/Professor must have a solid background of publishing pepers in the relevant field. Also there should be a connection to the VLSI Fab where your design can be relised onto a chip.

Ultimately, the decision to pursue a PhD in analog VLSI design should be based on a careful consideration of your personal goals, interests, and financial situation, as well as the potential benefits and drawbacks of the degree.

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What is the duration of a VLSI course in India?

The duration of a VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) course in India can vary depending on the level and type of course. Here are some common options:

1. Diploma courses (CDAC) : These typically last for 6-12 months and are designed to provide basic knowledge and skills in VLSI design and verification. 

2. Certificate courses (CDAC/NPTEL) : These may range from 6 months to 2 years and are designed for students who already have a degree in electronics, electrical engineering, or related fields. They offer in-depth knowledge of VLSI design, testing, and verification. 

3. Postgraduate courses (IIIT-Delhi) : These are usually 2-year full-time courses offered by universities and colleges. The courses provide advanced knowledge and skills in VLSI design, testing, and verification, and may require a bachelor's degree in electronics or electrical engineering as a prerequisite. 

4. Short-term courses (All Private Ltd Training Institutes): These are typically 2-4 weeks long and focus on specific topics such as digital design, analog design, verification, or physical design. 

Before you jump to any course , you must set target which vlsi domain you are comfortable in working as per you native/intrinsic skill-set. 

Here is a short guidance for you : HERE 

If you are a self-learner , you can use free of cost learning at  

It is important to note that the duration of a VLSI course in India may also depend on the institution offering the course and the specific curriculum. It is best to research the available options and their respective duration to determine which one best meets your needs and goals. 

Courtesy : Image by Jeremy Waterhouse from pexels

Is it advantageous to live in the silicon Valley for your career as a chip designer?


Living in the Silicon Valley can be advantageous for a career in chip design for several reasons:

The Pros :

1. Industry hub: The Silicon Valley is home to a large concentration of technology companies, including many leading semiconductor companies. This makes it a hub for innovation and provides opportunities for networking, learning, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the industry.

Know what are all types of companies exsist in VLSI : HERE 

2. Innovation: Silicon Valley is known for its innovative spirit and entrepreneurial culture. This can inspire and motivate chip designers to take risks and push the boundaries of what is possible in the industry.

3. Networking: Living in Silicon Valley can provide access to a large and diverse network of professionals, including other chip designers, industry leaders, and investors. Attending local events and meetups can help you expand your network and make valuable connections.

4. Job opportunities: As a result of the high concentration of semiconductor companies in the region, there are many job opportunities for chip designers. This can make it easier to find a job that aligns with your career goals and interests.

5. Exposure to new technologies: Being located in Silicon Valley can give you exposure to the latest technologies and trends in the industry. This can be especially advantageous for chip designers, who need to stay up-to-date on emerging technologies to remain competitive in their field.

6. Competitive salary: Due to the high demand for skilled chip designers, salaries in the Silicon Valley tend to be more competitive compared to other regions.

7. Access to resources: Being located in the Silicon Valley provides access to a wide range of resources and services, including professional development programs, industry events, and networking opportunities. This can help you stay connected with the industry and continue to develop your skills throughout your career.

The Cons :

1. Cost of living: Silicon Valley is known for its high cost of living, particularly when it comes to housing. The region has some of the highest home prices and rents in the country, which can make it challenging to afford a comfortable lifestyle, especially for those just starting out in their careers.

2. Traffic and congestion: The region's rapid growth and popularity have led to increased traffic congestion, particularly during rush hour. Commuting to work or running errands can be time-consuming and stressful, especially given the area's limited public transportation options.

3. Competition for jobs: While Silicon Valley offers many job opportunities, it is also a highly competitive job market, with many talented and qualified candidates vying for positions. This can make it challenging to stand out and secure the job you want, especially if you are new to the area or lack a strong professional network.

4. Work-life balance: The region's fast-paced, competitive work culture can make it challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Many professionals in Silicon Valley work long hours and feel pressure to be constantly connected to their jobs, which can lead to burnout and other negative effects on mental and physical health.

It is important to consider all factors when deciding where to live and work in the field of chip design.

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Which domain pays the highest salary, the software industry or VLSI?


Both the software industry and VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) have the potential to offer high-paying job opportunities, but the actual salary depends on various factors such as college from where you have done graduation, job role, experience, location, and company.

In general, the software industry may offer a wider range of job opportunities and higher average salaries than VLSI. According to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for software developers was $110,140 in May 2020, while the median annual salary for electrical and electronics engineers, which includes VLSI engineers, was $103,390.

Some high-paying software jobs include:

1. Software architect

2. Data scientist

3. Machine learning engineer

4. DevOps engineer

5. Full-stack developer

6. Cloud solutions architect

7. Security engineer

However, some VLSI jobs, such as physical design, verification, or architecture, can offer competitive salaries, especially for experienced professionals with specialized skills. Moreover, the VLSI industry can offer higher potential for job security and long-term career growth due to its reliance on hardware technology, which constantly evolves and requires continuous innovation.

Have a glimpse of VLSI Salaries in India : HERE 

Some high-paying VLSI jobs include:

1. Physical design engineer

2. Analog or digital design engineer

3. Verification engineer

4. Design-for-Test (DFT) engineer

5. System-on-Chip (SoC) architect

In summary, both the software industry and VLSI can offer high-paying job opportunities, and the actual salary depends on various factors. However, the software industry may offer a wider range of high-paying job opportunities compared to VLSI.

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What is the difference between a logic design and physical design in VLSI?


In VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration), logic design and physical design are two distinct phases of the design process.

Logic Design: Involves creating a digital circuit using a hardware description language (HDL) such as VHDL/Verilog  creates a high-level representation of the circuit, specifying its functionality and behavior

You Start Logic Design With Verilog (FREE) : HERE 

Physical Design: Involves transforming the logical representation of the circuit into a physical layout that can be fabricated as a silicon chip Includes tasks such as floor planning, placement, routing, and layout verification aims to optimize the layout for performance, power consumption, and manufacturability.

FAQ in Physical Design (FREE) : HERE

In summary, logic design is concerned with creating a logical representation of the circuit, while physical design is concerned with creating a physical implementation of that circuit that can be fabricated.

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Which is best course to build a career in semiconductors industry i.e VLSI?


To make a career in semiconductors, both industry and VLSI courses can be beneficial. The semiconductor industry is a large and diverse field that includes several areas of specialization, such as chip design, manufacturing, packaging, testing, and quality control. VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) is a subfield of semiconductor design that focuses on the creation of integrated circuits and microchips. VLSI has a large ecosystem of different types of companies working together for a chip producton. It has multiple domains and subdomins too.

Get familier with vast VLSI ecosystem : HERE 

Know about VLSI domains and subdomains among the entire ecosystem : HERE

If you are interested in working in the semiconductor industry, it is important to understand the various job roles and the skills required for each role. Some job roles in the semiconductor industry require a strong understanding of VLSI design, while others may focus more on semiconductor manufacturing, packaging, or testing.

In terms of education and training, a degree in Electrical or Electronics Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field is generally required to work in the semiconductor industry. Courses in semiconductor physics, semiconductor devices, circuit design, and VLSI design can be particularly helpful for those interested in a career in semiconductors.

If you are specifically interested in VLSI design, then taking courses or obtaining a degree in VLSI design can be particularly helpful. Many universities offer VLSI design courses as part of their Electrical or Electronics Engineering programs. Additionally, there are several online courses and certification programs in VLSI design that can be helpful in gaining the required knowledge and skills.

The last choice of the sub-domian of VLSI would be your decition as per your intrinsic inclination : HERE

Ultimately, the best course of action for making a career in semiconductors depends on your interests, skills, and career goals. Researching various job roles and educational opportunities can help you make an informed decision.

Courtesy : Image by Nic Wood from pexels

Which is a better career option in VLSI : Digital Verification (DV) or Physical Design(PD) ?


Both Digital Verification and Physical Design are important and in-demand career options in the field of VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration). However, which one is better for you depends on your interests, skills, and career goals.

Digital Verification involves verifying the functionality of digital circuits using simulation and formal methods. Verification engineers work closely with design engineers to ensure that the circuit meets the design specification and is free from errors. They use hardware description languages (HDLs) like Verilog and SystemVerilog to write testbenches and create test cases.

Physical Design involves the physical implementation of the digital circuit on a chip, including placement and routing. Physical designers work with tools like Cadence Encounter and Synopsys ICC to optimize the layout of the circuit for performance, power, and area. They also need to understand the manufacturing process and how it affects the physical design.

For further information on Physical Design see this : HERE

Both fields require a strong understanding of digital circuits and experience with industry-standard tools. However, if you enjoy working with abstract concepts, simulations, and coding, digital verification might be a better fit for you. On the other hand, if you enjoy working with physical layouts and optimizing for performance, physical design might be a better fit.

For furthur guidance please watch this video : HERE 

Your intrinsic inclination towards DV/PD does matter : HERE 

In terms of job prospects, both fields are in high demand and offer good career growth opportunities. You may want to research the job market in your area and talk to professionals in both fields to make an informed decision.

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What are the basic courses for VLSI system design?

The basic courses for VLSI system design typically include:

1. Digital Electronics: This course covers the basic principles of digital logic design, including Boolean algebra, logic gates, and combinational and sequential circuits.

Digital VLSI Domain Overview : HERE 

2. Analog Electronics: This course focuses on analog circuit design, including operational amplifiers, filters, and analog-to-digital converters.

Analog VLSI Domain Overview : HERE 

3. VLSI Design: This course covers the basics of VLSI design, including circuit design, physical design, and verification.

FrontEnd and BackEnd VLSI : HERE

Physical Design Overview : HERE

3. Computer Architecture: This course covers the principles of computer organization and architecture, including memory systems, input/output devices, and microprocessors.

4. Embedded Systems: This course focuses on the design and implementation of embedded systems, including software and hardware design.

Embedded Systems Overview : HERE

5. Verification: This course covers the verification of VLSI designs, including simulation, emulation, and formal verification.

6. Signal Processing: This course covers the principles of digital signal processing, including Fourier transforms, filters, and digital signal processors.

7. Low Power Design: This course focuses on techniques for designing low-power VLSI circuits and systems, including power management, energy-efficient algorithms, and power-aware design methodologies.

Techniques for Low Power Design Overview: HERE

These are some of the basic courses that are typically required for a VLSI system design curriculum, but the exact courses may vary depending on the program and institution.

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